Shortly ahead of bipartisan talks on possible gun legislation, Democratic members of Congress joined anti-gun violence activists at a press conference and rally on Thursday at the Capitol in Washington D.C.
Students Demand Action activist Addie Hernandez said students “from California to Texas to Vermont” are walking out of classes Thursday to demand action on anti-gun violence legislation.
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said Democrats are talking with Republicans in Congress in an effort to find common ground on gun legislation, saying: “Today we will be engaged in bipartisan conversations to try to find a path forward.” Murphy said the talks will be facilitated by citizens who support action to curb gun violence.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn said to his GOP colleagues, “How is this acceptable? How are you not outraged? We’re outraged!” Blumenthal added: “We know what can save lives. Universal background checks can save lives. Red flag statutes – taking away a firearm from someone who shows they are dangerous to others or themselves.” Blumenthal said what the American people want is for NRA to stand for ‘Not Relevant Anymore’ in American politics, while Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass. added: “The Republican Party is in a vise-like grip of the NRA. They do whatever the NRA tells them to do.”
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., said Republicans need to have a change of heart on the issue of possible gun legislation. Said Klobuchar: “If there isn’t a change in their heart we will vote in Congress and we will march all the way to the ballot box and vote.”
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