Hey WXBX Dancing Queens and Kings! Sensational 70s opens this weekend at Wytheville’s Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner Theatre and runs until May 29th. We have a pair of tickets to dinner and the show just for WXBX listeners! Head over to Facebook to enter and double your chances of winning by entering here as well. Hurry! Contest ends Monday, April 18th.
Like, Share, and Comment with your favorite 70s tune to be entered. You may even hear it in the show!
Special Rules
- Contest will end Monday, April 18th.
- Winner will be chosen by random draw.
- Facebook contestants must be following Three Rivers Media & Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner Theatre
- Online entries must agree to the Data Retention Policy to be entered
- Show dates are subject to reservation availability. Blackout dates may apply.
- Tickets must be claimed by April 22nd. Tickets are valid until the end of show run.
This contest is expired.